At the beginning of January Lego launched series 25 of their Collectable Minifigures. Amongst the collection of fancy dress costumes, fantasy characters and jobs were 3 that featured disabilities and medical conditions of different sorts. This makes it the most inclusive Lego series yet and builds on the previous examples.
The first of these is a bladed sprinter like a Paralympian.
To go with the figure is a gold medal and a winners number 1.
The next one in the series is a small boy who wants to be a train driver. He is wearing a steam drivers uniform and sits in a toy train. If you look carefully you will see he wears glasses and underneath he has an eye patch, the sort used to treat amblyopia or lazy eye.
The final one is a dog groomer with a pair of scissors cutting an Afghan Hound. When you turn the figure around you notice she has a cochlear implant.
I like the way these were issued without any fuss and you was left to discover them when you opened them.
These extend the range of disability figures that Lego have previously issued.